Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's late again.

I seem to only be able to make blog entries at night. Which makes sense, if you think about it, because my day is just about done and a blog is kind of like a diary -- but public -- which makes it a pretty crappy diary, if you look at it that way -- but anyway, it's the end of the day, which means I'm pretty much done with my activities for the day, so the end of the seems like the best time to record them since it's very unlikely anything of note will happen during the rest of the evening, right? Right.

So let's see. Today, I got up. I posted in Of Electricity and Water. Did some Pokémon shenanigans. Went to school, spent the morning with Pat and Kelly, as usual. Pat lent me An Abundance of Katherines and I lent him Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment. AaoK is good, entertaining. So far. I'm like halfway done. Let's see, then I went to Biology; same old, listen to him lecture. Blah. Study; went to the library with Pat. Played Pokémon. Went to history. Teacher did an impression of Randy from American Idol. Interesting. Went to lunch. Played Pokémon with Mikky. Went to math. Read AaoK. Went to Art. Watched parts of The Incredibles (we're doing an animation project). Went to English. Went over a vocab list.

Okay, let me go on a tangent for a second here. Kids are so freaking retarded. Retarded. This is supposed to be a freaking advanced class; and yet kids can do nothing but copy down dictionary definitions word for word, and when the teacher's definition is slightly different, we have to waste five minutes of kids saying, "Oh, but is it okay if I have [insert blatantly obvious synonym here]?" I mean for Christ's sake, people.

Okay, anyway. Went to Latin after that. Read AaoK. Went home. Played Pok
émon. I cleaned my room. If anyone who knows me at all just read that statement, they also now know that the world will probably implode within a couple of days. I can, like, see my floor. And my bureau. It's freaking crazy. Then I played more Pokémon, watched American Idol (shush it, you). Now I'm sitting here at almost 11PM, blogging away, in a chat with Amber, Paul, Link, Randy, Zan. Good times.

So er, yes. I'm going to get back to that now. Not much else to say. My life is boring. Byebye people.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day off.

Today, I stayed home from school. Felt crappy. So I slept till like, one. Then I got up and I played HeartGold in bed for a while. Then worked on the Blue cosplay. Then I got on the computer. I've been bored for like the last hour, pretty much.

Oh, I caught Suicune. Wootness. Will now do Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza. Though I really only want a Groudon since I traded my Kyogre and Rayquaza from my Platinum -- which were from my Pearl -- which were originally from my Sapphire. They've been on a long journey.

Despite sleeping from, you know, like 12:30 to 1PM -- even though someone woke me up at like 2 for a little it (not that I mind, of course) -- I'm really, strangely tired. Huh.

So, uh, yeah. I have nothing really to talk about. Today was boring.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm tired.

It's 12:10AM and I'm tired, but in my weak attempt at consistency I shall post here.

Today, I woke up at ten. Hardcore, right? I played HeartGold until one. Went to a fabric store to get things for my Blue cosplay. Got home. Wrote a bit, read a bit, talked to Paul and Rai. Watched the Amazing Race. Yeah, shut up, I watch some reality shows. Oh my god, what is wrong with me. Played more HeartGold; now trying to catch Suicune. No luck, so far. Caught Mewtwo earlier.

Yeah, I'm done. I need to focus on catching this Suicune, okay. Serious business.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Yeah, I'm alive.

I refuse to let a year go by without me posting. Yeah, I still have till July, but might as well start now, right? Right.

So anyway I got thinking about this poor abandoned place again when Rai had the genius idea of making a blog we both contributed to. You should go check it out.

Other than that... uh, my life recently, I guess. I don't know. Same old? Yeah. Um. There's nothing really interesting to talk about, regarding me, really. I mean, I'm sitting here, your average white teenage girl living in the suburbs of Massachusetts -- there's nothing special, unique, about my life, to talk about. And besides that -- it's funny, in that sort of ironic way I find a lot of my life is -- I made a blog, but I don't really like talking about my life.

So instead, I shall talk about something I do enjoy talking about. Like, say, Pokémon!

If you didn't see that one coming, I think you should rethink your status as my friend. If you are my friend.

So, HeartGold and SoulSilver came out almost two weeks ago now. I freaking blew through like, that first half of the game. The Johto saga. I slowed a bit when I got to Kanto; I only beat Red last night. But still, I thought it was a pretty good run. I mean, I was doing a lot of side things.

Now that the metagame is done -- for the most part, anyway, I still need to rematch all the leaders and get their numbers and such -- it's time for post-metagame, competitive team building! Yay!

By "building," I mean literally building. Breeding, hatching, EV training. The whole thing is planned out; tested in the games to see how well it would fair, not once, but twice, modified, perfected. We're going to be unstoppable, unbeatable, untouchable. Yeah, maybe I'm full of myself when it comes to something like this, and it's probably silly, taking a game so seriously and getting so worked up over it. But you know what? I don't care. I love it, no matter how pointless it is it's a passion, and I want to be the very best. Like no one over was. I've been like that since I was little, I guess. I never let go of it. Immature? Yeah. Stupid? Yeah. But did I love it? Hell yes.

Being the paranoid person I am, I can't disclose the Pokémon to you anonymous folks of the internet, but I will tell you something: as I said before, we are going to become the perfect team, and no one will stop us. And I mean that, I totally mean that.

But I digress. Some of the building is done, at least. I have three out of six hatched, right nature, good IV's. So we're halfway there. Once you get past the tedious breeding and the frustration of hatching more eggs than I probably have in my freaking ovaries to finally attain the right nature, the EV training -- though also tedious -- seems like a breeze.

But that's not for tonight, no. Tonight, I'm off to catch me a Mewtwo. Cerulean Cave, here I go.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer has left me with nothing to do.

For serious. I'm bored out of my mind. Last month I finished all the Layton puzzles too (well, all the humanly possible ones) so I don't even have puzzles to keep me entertained! Blargh. Well, only one more month until the Diabolical Box.

Will be playing tons of Xbox whenever that thing gets back. Sent it off 3 days ago (I think) and they said up to three weeks. Must play BlazBlue omg. I thought Sonic & The Black Knight, which I also picked up a couple weeks ago, would keep me entertained for a bit but it was surprising short. Fun game though.

I just replaying Sonic Adventure AND Sonic Adventure 2 so I really have nothing to do... been in kinda a Sonic mood lately. I REALLY feel like re-playing some Twilight Princess but I can't find it. :/ Haven't been able to write lately either. I just kinda sit and stare at paragraphs written beforehand and nothing else seems to come out. Oh well, I'll get over it sometime...

I've also been in a real drawing mood. I've just felt like drawin for some reason.

Charlie (my iPod, for those who don't know) has been broken for about two months now. Oooh, the torture. And there's no way he'll get fixed, says the Apple store people. Ugh.

So I think I'm off to go draw or something. I'm not really sure. Hopefully do something...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


So, uh, yeah, this is my first post in my blog, lol.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this yet, but I probably will... sometime. xD